
Sr. Snowflake

Hyderabad, Telangana   |   Full Time
Sr. Snowflake

 Exp: 6 Years+


 Experience in working with AWS S3/ Azure ADLS Storage Accounts and Snowflake.

 · Creating various stages like internal/external stages to load data from various sources like S3,ADLS and on-premise systems.

 · Handling large and complex datasets like JSON, ORC, PARQUET,CSV filesfrom various sources like AWS S3,Azure DataLake Gen2.

 · Creating Snowflake Stored Procedures,UDFs

 · Proficiency in SQL and database table design – able to write structured and efficient queries on large data sets using Statistical Aggregate functions and Analytical functions and reporting datamarts.

 · Experience in working with Snowflake concepts like Snowpipe, Streams, Tasks, Cloning, TimeTravel, Data Sharing, Data Replication e.t.c.

 · Understanding customer requirements, analysis, design, development and implementation into the system, gather and define business requirements and enhancing business processes.

 · Good knowledge in working with Programming laguages like Python/Scala

 · Knowledge in Snowflake tools like Snowsight and SnowSQL and any partner connects.

 · Understanding of data architecture design, data modeling, and physical database design and tuning

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